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Tracks CO2 Satellites

Uses satellite data and artificial intelligence to monitor forests lands that are part of CO2 offsetting projects.
Brontobyte cloud

Brontobyte Cloud

Brontobyte Cloud is a company that distributes Cloud services for IT companies.


By detecting unknown threats where others do not with our proprietary algorithms, the company closes the cybersecurity gap for enterprises, governments and SMBs worldwide. 
numentech logotip


Market products and solutions that guarantee full security at any time, in any environment in addition to safeguard the full operability of small & medium business.


Specialists in cyber security and systems computing for companies. Experts in robotization and digital transformation with Google Cloud.

Technology 2 Client

Portafoli de posada en marxa de solucions en ciberseguretat de la mà dels principals fabricants. 


Platform that combines cybersecurity and web3 to create workflows based on verified and trusted images, reducing costs, preventing fraud and raising transparency standards.


KPSDRONS és un equip multidisciplinar ubicat a la Catalunya central i especialitzat en treballs d'inspecció industrial, topografia i agricultura de…