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Porsche digital

Porsche Digital

Unitat tecnològica i digital del fabricant d'automòbils esportius d'Stuttgart. is a web platform where drone pilots in Catalonia can share their aerial videos with the community, and geolocate them on a "google maps" style map. We add a "pin" to the exact flight location with the most important information about the location as well as other relevant details. The videos are classified according to their subject in order to facilitate their search by the user.


La seva missió és construir el millor programari de codi obert que faciliti a qualsevol entitat l'organització de votacions a prova de censura, assequibles, segures i anònimes.
8 wires


Empowers companies to make smart decisions by providing data-based solutions and relevant insights.


OKTICS és una spin-off del Centre d'Investigació de CIMNE focalitzada en la transformació digital dels seus clients, pels qui dissenya, desenvolupa i comercialitza solucions per a la gestió intel·ligent de continguts, serveis audiovisuals, IA i dispositius IoT. 

Tracks CO2 Satellites

Uses satellite data and artificial intelligence to monitor forests lands that are part of CO2 offsetting projects.
Brontobyte cloud

Brontobyte Cloud

Brontobyte Cloud is a company that distributes Cloud services for IT companies.


By detecting unknown threats where others do not with our proprietary algorithms, the company closes the cybersecurity gap for enterprises, governments and SMBs worldwide.