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Gocleer is an AI-powered mobility data solution (SaaS) that combines mobile phone motion sensors with a gamified behavioral change program…


STAR-Barcelona is a subsidiary owned by STAR-Dundee. The company's activity focuses on R&D, ASIC design, and IPs related to SpaceFibre,…


Itequia is a company specialized in developing innovative digital solutions. With over 15 years of experience, it serves large organizations…

In2in Solucions Tecnològiques

The company in2in offers tailored solutions for businesses and administrations. They are experts in systems, communications, cybersecurity, and management software.


Werify is a new trusted service that facilitates the process of integrating Self-Sovereign Identities and Verifiable Credentials into your business applications, in line with the new EU-eIDAS2 identity model.

C4E – Chain4Economy

Plataforma multisectorial de networking i oportunitats per a emprenedors, professionals, empreses i entitats dins l'àmbit de la Blockchain i les…


Leveraging AI and advanced analytics to help businesses manage and transform the customer experience.

Straker Spain (anteriorment Straker Translations) és una empresa tecnològica global que proporciona serveis de traducció de llengües impulsats per la IA. La plataforma utilitza l'aprenentatge automàtic i una xarxa de traductors humans per oferir traduccions precisses i eficients en nombroses llengües. té com a objectiu revolucionar la indústria de la traducció mitjançant l'ús de tecnologia avançada per agilitzar els processos, facilitant així la comunicació de les empreses en diversos idiomes.


Anglatecnic was founded in Barcelona in 1999 specialising in engineering and development of software systems for the Broadcast and IT sectors. Our main broadcast lines are the FingerText and the FingerCloud suites, modular accessibility and data solutions for the production, managing, playout and broadcasting/publication of access services such as subtitles, audio description and sign language among other DVB data services such as teletext, EPG, Present&Following, HbbTV, Stream Events, data acquisition, analytics, addressable TV. For the IT industry. Another important broadcast line is Nube, our cloud-based TV material delivery platform (Nube) that allows external producers to send all the necessary media and metadata content to the Broadcaster. And don’t forget that Anglatècnic can also provides efficient custom-made solutions, from content-based dynamic web systems to high reliability systems such as entertainment for hospitals.