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Cooperativa, consultora sense ànim de lucre, que busca facilitar la presa, gestió i difusió de dades en petites empreses i entitats. Implanten i difonen sistemes d'informació geogràfica en aquestes organitzacions, que no per ser petites han de pensar que elles no els poden utilitzar. Adapten el SIG i la presa de dades a cada cas i tipus de projecte, amb la finalitat d'obtenir un producte autogestionat per l'entitat. Busquen projectes col·laboratius i fomenten compartir recursos. Animen a usar i generar dades, a utilitzar-los i treure partit i ensenyament del seu històric. Estan molt implicats en la seva feina, veuen contínues aplicacions dels SIG al seu voltant i tenen coneixement de múltiples eines tecnològiques per al seu disseny.

Nabla Vision

Efficient 3D perception solutions for real-time robotics, tele-operation, autonomous navigation, security, environment monitoring, active mapping and infrastructure digitalization


Company dedicated to the inspection of infrastructures with drones.


Company specialized in technical services and data analysis with drones. Their activities are: inspection, mapping, digital twin, specific missions, integration, sale, and B2B/B2G training. Subsidiary of INSTADRONE GROUP and based in Barcelona. What set them apart? The use of drones with the most advanced technology in sensors and software. A NETWORK of highly experienced agencies and qualified professionals. Accurate and detailed data capture that allows their clients to make the best strategic decision for their businesses and projects.


PersualDrone és una empresa especialitzada en inspeccions tècniques industrials i energies renovables fent servir la tecnologia més innovadora amb els…


Professional drone company based in Barcelona, specialising in aerial filming and photography for marketing, commercial, communication and dissemination of the…

Dassault Systèmes

Dassault Systèmes provides business and people with virtual universes to imagine sustainable innovations capable of harmonizing product, nature and life.

Napptilus Battery Labs

Napptilus Battery Labs is developing new disruptive fast charging electric batteries that charge under 5 minutes with extended lifespan. Engineered with a new type of hybrid nanomaterial electrode, they are easier to manufacture. Patented IP is developed by ICN2 in Barcelona.


Magnetika is a leading technology company specializing in wireless power transfer solutions. Founded in 2018, they have developed a breakthrough…

Unmanned Life

Unmanned Life is a British company that has developed the leading software platform for the orchestration of autonomous robotics. It…