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Zerod is the first digital hub that directly connects companies with the best freelance ethical hackers in the world, also offering cybersecurity consulting services.


Showee is dedicated to the design and marketing of an innovative eco-intelligent shower. Their product revolutionizes the bathing experience by automating the process of rinsing, soaping, and drying. More than just a product, their shower is conceived to enhance the autonomy and privacy of individuals with special needs, while providing invaluable support to their respective caregivers. With a focus on innovation and comfort, Showee strives to provide intelligent solutions that not only transform the daily hygiene routine but also enhance the quality of life. Their eco-intelligent shower is the perfect combination of functionality and support, aimed at improving the daily lives of those who need it most.


Easeefy is a software company specialized in developing solutions based on AI (Deep learning) to detect, minimize and prevent losses related to checkout transactions in the retail sector, especially for supermarkets.


Bitfaktor is a digital strategy consultancy specialized in offering Blockchain/ DLT solutions for businesses. They carry out a comprehensive analysis (economic, technical and legal) and propose the best solution to improve digital ROI.


Boutique consulting firm specialised in innovation and strategy in mobility.

Asperis Security

Asperis Security es dedica a la ciberseguretat, especialitzant-se en pentesting i monitoratge d'infraestructures. Amb un enfocament en la seguretat proactiva, treballen per garantir que les infraestructures dels seus clients estiguin segures davant qualsevol tipus d'atac, proporcionant així tranquil·litat i protecció a les empreses.


Boost innovation and growth in your company with their OlisTIC method, expanding your business's capabilities and increasing profits to their maximum potential. They are a business and technology consultancy with the mission of identifying opportunities for improvement and growth in all areas of business, implementing Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain solutions for business and organizational excellence.


Cooperativa, consultora sense ànim de lucre, que busca facilitar la presa, gestió i difusió de dades en petites empreses i entitats. Implanten i difonen sistemes d'informació geogràfica en aquestes organitzacions, que no per ser petites han de pensar que elles no els poden utilitzar. Adapten el SIG i la presa de dades a cada cas i tipus de projecte, amb la finalitat d'obtenir un producte autogestionat per l'entitat. Busquen projectes col·laboratius i fomenten compartir recursos. Animen a usar i generar dades, a utilitzar-los i treure partit i ensenyament del seu històric. Estan molt implicats en la seva feina, veuen contínues aplicacions dels SIG al seu voltant i tenen coneixement de múltiples eines tecnològiques per al seu disseny.

Nabla Vision

Efficient 3D perception solutions for real-time robotics, tele-operation, autonomous navigation, security, environment monitoring, active mapping and infrastructure digitalization


Company dedicated to the inspection of infrastructures with drones.