Brings together the experience of more than 450 professionals who generate a revenue of 36 million euros per year and serves more than 1,000 companies.
Brings together the experience of more than 450 professionals who generate a revenue of 36 million euros per year and serves more than 1,000 companies.
ENIDE is an innovative SME based in Barcelona, providing business & technological innovation applied to sustainable mobility, logistics and smart technologies, working on business innovation and digital solutions to meet the challenges of sustainability. Applying advanced technology to R&D projects, our highly skilled team offers a rich combination of technical knowledge, project management capabilities and practical experience.
AUBAY és una empresa de serveis digitals (DSC) fundada el 1998. Actualment, amb un fort creixement, AUBAY opera en mercats…
Anigy Digital Advisors compta amb un equip IT as a Service que treballa en àmbits com la ciberseguretat, les comunicacions…
Applus+ Laboratories provides testing and certification services to improve the competitiveness of products by encouraging innovation. We support the development and validation of drones, eVTOL, electric vehicles, cybersecurity, IoT devices.
Abinsula ofereix consultoria especialitzada i solucions personalitzades en automoció, agricultura de precisió, biomèdica, per a camps d'integració encastats web i aplicacions mòbils,…
AIFOS Digital és una consultoria en transformació digital, IoT i Smart pel sector públic i privat.
Ackcent is a company specialized in cybersecurity services and solutions. Ackcent offers protection, detection, and responds to cyber threats by…