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In2in Solucions Tecnològiques

The company in2in offers tailored solutions for businesses and administrations. They are experts in systems, communications, cybersecurity, and management software.

Itech Group

More than 35 years of experience and 16 as ITechGrup endorse us. The sum of knowledge provided by our teams…

Davinci TI

With more than 20 years in the information technology sector, and offices in Barcelona and Madrid, Davinci TI is a…


Sisemed is a bioengineering company specializing in hospital electromedicine services and after-sales support in medical devices, both in hardware and…


Aimentia is a leading company providing emerging digital health solutions that leverage the power of Artificial Intelligence to improve the…

Vunkers IT Experts

Vunkers IT Experts és una companyia tecnològica amb una àmplia oferta de serveis IT. Especialitzada en ciberseguretat, intel·ligència artificial, Big…

VASS Company

VASS is a global company that covers the end-to-end of the consulting services value chain to support its customers in their digital transformation The company focuses on simplifying the complexity of the technological and digital challenges of organizations, especially in sectors such as banking, the public sector, industries, insurance and telecommunications. Their goal is to promote digitalisation plans in a strategic and innovative way, guiding innovation towards concrete results.

Osmium Solutions Spain, SL.

OSMIUM is a cybersecurity company based in Spain and Italy, with the mission of safeguarding the aerospace industry's digital transformation…


Zerod is the first digital hub that directly connects companies with the best freelance ethical hackers in the world, also offering cybersecurity consulting services.


Boutique consulting firm specialised in innovation and strategy in mobility.

Asperis Security

Asperis Security es dedica a la ciberseguretat, especialitzant-se en pentesting i monitoratge d'infraestructures. Amb un enfocament en la seguretat proactiva, treballen per garantir que les infraestructures dels seus clients estiguin segures davant qualsevol tipus d'atac, proporcionant així tranquil·litat i protecció a les empreses.