
Eurecat, the Technological Centre of Catalonia (member of TECNIO), brings together the experience of more than 450 professionals who generate a revenue of 36 million euros per year and serves more than 1,000 companies.
A multidisciplinary and multinational team of scientists and technologists works on more than 160 applied R&D projects, aimed at acquiring new knowledge for transfer to specific applications and solutions that meet the needs of the industrial fabric.
Specialised R&D capabilities in areas relevant to the IoT:
- Security
- Cybercrime (detection and mitigation, identification of patterns and anomalies, federation of information, etc.).
- Digital identity (privacy, anonymisation, authentication, etc.).
- Distributed security (Internet of Things, Cloud Computing).
- Security on mobile platforms.
- Applied data analytics
- Design and implementation of tools for the extraction of valuable information from various data sources (social networks, Open Data, internal positioning, etc.), using an appropriate infrastructure for the processing of Big Data and the display of results.
- In this field of expertise, Eurecat coexists with profiles and activities that range from the field of applied R&D to the field of transfer to companies, within the framework of the Big Data CoE Barcelona.
- Sensory development
- Smart objects
Eurecat aims its activity at all business sectors but, especially, at seven major strategic areas: Food, Energy and resources, Industrial systems, Design-based industries, Sustainable mobility-related industries, Healthcare industries and Cultural and experience-based industries.