Wireless Networks Research Lab (WiNe) – UOC

Wireless Networks Research Lab (WiNe) of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Open University of Catalonia).
Its activities within the IoT and NewSpace world are:
- Knowledge transfer to the industrial sector
- Development of tailor-made solutions
- Office of International Research Projects (contact within the ARI: Albert Sanchez | [email protected])
- Participation and advice in calls for Horizon 2020 and other international funds
RDI activities in:
- Location Systems (Direction Finding, RFID, LPWA)
- Algorithm and design of tailor-made solutions for data processing (AI, signal processing, filters)
- RFID / NFC / BLE technologies
- Cyberphysical systems. Hardware / Firmware Design (CAT-1 / NB-IoT, LoRaWAN, custom backhaul networks, ad hoc)
- Passive sensors, battery-less systems
- Cellular and satellite networks. (NB-IoT, LR-FHSS, KA-BAND)
- Pre-patent development with contract